International Services
G.P.O.Box 2303U
Melbourne, Victoria 3001
Ph:+61 3 94791111
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RMIT University International Scholarships for study in all major fields
Value: Partial tuition fee.
UNIVERSITY OF STUDY offers the following scholarships:
(i) FH Loxton PG Studentships for Veterinary Science, Agriculture and Chemical Engg. To only male graduates;
(ii) Thomas Lawrence Pawlett PG Scholarships to Agriculture graduates.
(iii) Thomas Lawrence Pawlett Visiting Scholarships to candidates with evidence of scientific study in a field of agriculture. Value: $3500 for one term;
(iv) Christian Rome Thornett Scholarships for agriculture to graduate from other universities with relevant degree. Value: $ 15637.
(v) Thurland Postgraduate Scholarship for agriculture to graduate other universities with relevant degree. Value:$15637;
(VI) Alexander Hugh Thurbun Scholarship for agriculture to graduate with relevant degree from universities. Value: $15637;
(vii) Evelyn Williams Visiting Scholarship in Veterinary Science to graduates from other universities with relevant degree. Value: Allowance covering stay and travel for a period of 10 weeks;
(viii) Alfred Godfey Scholarship for to graduates of Law. Value: $ 10,500 and travel;
(ix) Ross Waite Parsons PG scholarship for law Graduates. Value: $12500;
(x) DBH Scholarship in Geology or Geophysics to B.Sc.(Hons) on the Subject;
(xi) Henry Birtie and Florence Mabel Gritton PG Research Scholarships
for study of lndl. Chemistry, Agraicultural Chem. to Graduates. Value Equivalent to Research Fellowship;
(xii) David Noel Murray Price for Architecture to Architecture graduates. Value: $14260;
(xiii) William John Padbury Supplementary Scholarship for Engg. (1-2 years or 4 years for ph D) to Engineering graduates. Value:$10000;
(xiv) Elizabeth Wunsch PG Research scholarship in Pharmacy to Pharmacy Graduates. Value: $15,637.Further details can be had from the Scholarship Office University of Sydney, NSW 2006.
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