Stirling Highway
Nedlands, Western Australia 6907
Ph: +61 8 9380 3838
Fax: +61 8 9382 4071
offers the following scholarships:
(a) Saw Medical Research Fellowships to any graduate in medicine science or arts of any recognized university in the United Kingdom, Australia or any Commonwealth country, or to any person qualified for medical practice in Western Australia. Last date: June.
(b) W.A.and M.G. Saw Medical Research Fellowship in medical research to any graduate in medicine, science or arts of any recognized university in the United kingdom, Australia or any Commonwealth country; any person qualified for medical practice in Western Australia for 1 year but may be renewed for a second and exceptionally a third year.
(c) University Postgraduate Awards o overseas candidates possessing a minimum of first-class honours degree and reasonable proficiency in English, Who have been awarded a fees scholarship under the Australian Government OPRS or ADCOS programmes. Duration: Maximum 2 years for Master’s degree; 3 years for Ph.D with possibility of extension for up to 6 months .Last date: August. Application forms can be obtained from the Scholarship Office at the above address and returned to the Registrar.
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