Research Fellowships in Engineering at Defence Institute Pune

A ‘Walk-in-Interview / Selection Meeting’ will be held at Defence Institute of Advanced Technology, Girinagar, Pune on 02 Jan 2013 at 1000 hrs for selection of suitable/eligible candidates for award of Research Fellowships to a sponsored project granted from DIAT entitled 'Real - Time SAR image generation algorithm / software in CUDA platform', commissioned jointly by the Department of Electronics Engineering and Department of Computer Engineering at DIAT (DU), Pune-25

Senior Research Fellowship (SRF):
Educational Qualifications required:
ME / MTech in Computer Engg / Signal Processing / Communication Engg from recognized University / AICTE approved Technical Institution with First class degree.
Desirable qualification:
1. Exposure to C / C++ / MATLAB programming and signal processing.
2. Exposure to parallel processing and GPGPU computing in preferred.

Upper Age-Limit:
Not to exceed 28 Years

Interested candidates fulfilling the eligibility conditions for Research Fellowships as mentioned above, may attend the ‘Walk-in-Interview at this Institute on ’02 Jan. 2013 at 1000 hrs, along with their original Certificates / Testimonials etc (together with a set of attested copies of each) for detailed scrutiny. Candidates working in Government / Public Sector Undertakings / Autonomous Bodies should produce a ‘No Objection Certificate’ from the present employer.