Victoria University New Zealand

C/o Victoria University, P.O.Box 600 Wellington
offers Gordon Watson Scholarship for two years postgraduate study connected with international relations or social and economic conditions tenable in the United Kingdom, Europe, Asia or America.Eligibility: Candidates of any country holding and honors degree or a degree in theology of a university in New Zealand. Recipient is required to take up residence in New Zealand for two years after termination of study.Vallue:$9,600 per year. When and whom to apply: By 1st October; to the Secretary at the above address.
Also offers William Georgetti Scholarships tenable at any university or other institution approved for this purpose by the Scholarship Board in any field which in the opinion of the scholarship Board is important to the social, cultural or economic development of New Zealand for a period up to three yerars.Eligibility:q1ualified nationals of all countries between 21 and 28 holding a university degree. Candidates must have resided in New Zealand for at least five years immediately preceding the year of selection.W#hen and whom to apply: By 1st October; to the Registrar of the New Zealand University concerned or to the secretary at the above address.