These scholarships are offered for one year extended for a further period of six months in exceptional cases.Subject:Medicine,Nursing and Physiotherapy.Elaigibility:Candidates should be ordinarily residents in Indian for a least five year preceding October 1.These Scholarships are tenable at a medical institution in the U.K .Age limit :40 years Value: Airfares,allowances,book grant, cost of preparation of thesis, cost of travel within UK in connection with training or studies. Registration fee payable to the General Medical Council, Nursing Council and Medical Protection
fee. Normally a tuition fee for any course of studies is not payable out of the Trust fund but the trustees may consider providing some financial assistance towards this fee.
WHOME TO CONTACT: Further Information can be had from the Chairman Dr. P.N. Berry Scholarships selection Committee, Room No.1002, Teaching Block,AIIMS Nagar ,New Delhi 110029.Last date for receiving completed application forms: 1st July to 15th September for requesting for application forms,15th September for receipt for receipt for receipt of completed forms
These scholarships are offered for one year extended for a further period of six months in exceptional cases.Subject:Medicine,Nursing and Physiotherapy.Elaigibility:Candidates should be ordinarily residents in Indian for a least five year preceding October 1.These Scholarships are tenable at a medical institution in the U.K .Age limit :40 years Value: Airfares,allowances,book grant, cost of preparation of thesis, cost of travel within UK in connection with training or studies. Registration fee payable to the General Medical Council, Nursing Council and Medical Protection
fee. Normally a tuition fee for any course of studies is not payable out of the Trust fund but the trustees may consider providing some financial assistance towards this fee.
WHOME TO CONTACT: Further Information can be had from the Chairman Dr. P.N. Berry Scholarships selection Committee, Room No.1002, Teaching Block,AIIMS Nagar ,New Delhi 110029.Last date for receiving completed application forms: 1st July to 15th September for requesting for application forms,15th September for receipt for receipt for receipt of completed forms
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